lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017

Self Service? by Victoria Brown

On the first day of school, my friends and I decided to meander around the campus of UPO during our lunch break. We ventured through the many buildings that all looked identical inside, specifically the bookstore and copisteria, and ultimately we landed in the outdoor cafe. It was here that my observations of unusual behavior began.

After my friends and I got our coffees, we looked for seats. It was extremely busy and most all of the tables appeared to be in use. However, while scanning the seating area, I was stunned by the tables left with piles of trash on them, as well as by the disheveled placement of the chairs. I pointed at one of the trash covered tables and said, “I guess we can sit there.” We sat down and I recycled the beer bottles, soda cans, and pizza boxes. We immediately looked at eat other with a “WTF” type of face, one you give your friends when you’re all thinking the same thing. We all thought it was so odd that the students weren’t throwing their trash away because it would not be proper at our university. As time passed by, we kept noticing the tables next to us being left in the same manner. To add to the oddness, there was a lady who was cleaning up after everyone. We have people who clean tables at our school, but not who have a job of throwing everyone’s trash out. At my university, it is a student’s responsibility to throw away their trash and leave the table clean. If you don’t, it is considered rude.

The more I became aware of this habit, the more I’ve noticed it, not only in Sevilla, but also in other parts of Spain; I have a keen eye for such behavior everywhere I go. This past weekend at the Sevilla airport, for instance, I was looking for a seat at the café and I had the same experience—90% od the tables had trash left on them.

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