miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Dress code, by Jon Reagan

Coming abroad to Seville Spain, I️ had a lot of assumptions about the people and the culture. One in particular was about how people dressed. I️ heard that everyone in Europe in general, particularly in a traditional city in Seville had a certain way of dressing. This way of dressing I️ expected was muted colors, long pants, and very fancy clothing. I️ don’t want to say that their aren’t people that dress like that, especially the older generation. What I️ have seen especially from the younger generation is an “Americanized” way of dressing. This sounds very WEIRD I️ bet because I️ didn’t have much world view before coming to Seville. Younger people here wear a lot of what is popular in America. This includes sneakers, ripped jeans, shorts, colors, and tee shirts. I️ think this can be attributed to globalization. The way people dress is of course different everywhere you go, but there are definitely more similarities than I️ expected to the culture I️ come from. I️ think this is a positive thing because the way people dress brings people together. I️ think if you can relate to how someone looks, it is easier to be willing to interact with him. The photo I️ took was from the metro, where you can see I wide range of colors and attire.

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