lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

Where, when, and how to drink coffee like a Spaniard, by Driss Camara

Many college students can relate to the fact that drinking coffee is an essential part of being in college. When I started college, I barely drank coffee but soon it became a habit and more or less an addiction to drink at least one cup of coffee a day. This is something that’s common among Americans in general. Coffee is supposed to give you energy and so it has become an essential drink and part of the culture.

However, I noticed when I got to Spain that coffee was not as popular of a beverage there. In fact, every morning my señora would give me tea for breakfast instead of coffee which I am used to. I barely saw any coffee shops and the Starbucks were not as packed as the ones in the USA. Another observation that I made was that people did not really go to coffee shops to study or read. They went there to socialize and often ate pastries along with their beverage. No one walked on campus around with their thermo filled with coffee (except maybe, the American students). I still drank coffee daily. In fact, I would often go to the vending machine between classes to get me an espresso. And when I was back in my house, I would go to a coffee shop like Mascarpone to study and drink coffee.

I soon noticed that people actually drank coffee but for a different purpose. Spanish people drink coffee to enjoy it while Americans drink it to get energy. Americans have a higher tendency to drink coffee in large quantities and on its own, while spanish people often drink it along with something else (i.e. pastry). As we have discussed in class, this is mainly due to a difference in mentality. Spanish people are more relaxed and take the time to enjoy the little things such as drinking coffee with friends. Meanwhile, Americans are more work-driven and strive to get things done quickly which coffee facilitates. In reality, I drink coffee for both. In the picture here, I have some churros along with a café.

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